Caroline Manzo Real Housewives

>> Friday, October 14, 2011

This is part and parcel?

Sister and former co-star Caroline Manzo and Dina Real Housewives New Jersey does not speak - and they should be grateful to Teresa Giudice.

Now, Caroline Manzo is beat the game, go to Us Weekly about Giudice, who dissed her co-star in his FabUlicious! cook, referring to her "like Italian as Olive Garden." That's pretty good, actually.

"Teresa is a wolf in sheep's clothing," Manzo said, adding that the friendship with the former Giuidce: "Everything is a joke" in the eyes of Teresa.

Agenda meeting on Sunday, meanwhile, Caroline explains how the relationship with his sister Dina, an ally Giudice, damaged by Teresa action. The brothers did not speak to today.

"[Teresa] is to lead people hurting," said Manzo. "We all make mistakes and can be brutal and cruel than the things we say and, even if [the behavior Teresa] is different - to sit and deliberate attempt to hurt someone ... The character of his patient, is not acceptable for me. do. "

and here a few comment that we receive :

Caroline has become unbearable for me also! She acts like she is a friggin' therapist. News flash Caroline, we ALL have "life experience" and that doesn't mean that we all deserve our own radio shows to give "advice" and metal in our friends and "acquaintances" (as u called Teresa) business. Trust me, I find Teresa to be over the top but she didn't deserve Caroline backstabbing her ALL season and Jacqueline writing nasty blogs about her and most recently tweeting about her instead of meeting her face to face. I'm really happy that people are finding Caroline as annoying as I do. She is always grumpy with a pissy look on her face. She is a hypocrite also b/c she stated that she isn't going to hate someone b/c Teresa doesn't get along with them. Hmmm...although Danielle is no saint, that's exactly what Caroline did when Danielle was on. She basically told everyone why they should hate her. Also can't stand Caroline's kids. They mooch off of daddy and talked a lot of smack about Teresa also. In Teresa's defense, I didn't see her bash Caroline, Jacqueline, their kids and/or spouses. ALL Caroline did was talk bad about Teresa behind her back all season. Glad I'm FINALLY seeing Caroline for who she really is.....a self righteous byotch!

Teresa is nothing but scum!! Her children are horrible!! They have no respect for anyone and neither does Juicey! They are only concerned with themselves..Jackie should have kicked Ashleys butt out way back! She needs to get out on her own and learn how the real world works! She has had all kinds of opportunities and blown every one just so she can party!! Caroline and her kids are great..She tells mit like it is! 

I hate posting but I'm relieved to read that other RHONJ viewers are annoyed by Caroline. It's premature for any of the housewives, including Caroline, to be praised as great mothers. Caroline's kids are still relatively young and we'll see how successful they are without their father's help. Caroline acts so superior but I got a glimpse into some possible insecurities when she acted ill on the Punta Cana "swimsuit outings". Maybe compared to Melissa Caroline has her act together, but Melissa's in her basement trying to be the next J-Lo. I think the show should keep Teresa. Just watching her kids harrass each other is fun to watch. And her poor husband is such a mess.

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