'Searching For Sonny' Premieres 'Must Love Bears' PSA (Video)
>> Monday, August 20, 2012
A humorous PSA from the filmmakers of the upcoming independent comedy Searching For Sonny is set to unspool when the film opens in a variety of cities across the country on August 28. Directing viewers to the website MustLoveBears.org, writer-director Andrew Disney, marketing director Scott Nichols and film financier Jared Knight attempt to solicit purchases of their film on Blu-ray in the guise of associating Searching For Sonny with a marketable, if misguided social cause.
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Scheduled for simultaneous release on VOD, DVD and Blu-ray on August 28th, the comedy murder-mystery will also be shown at 19 nationwide limited-engagement screenings, and will be available in theaters via TUGG on the same day and date.
Searching For Sonny stars Jason Dohring, Nick Kocher, Brian McElhaney and Minka Kelly as a group of high school friends who reunite for their 10-year reunion, only to become the chief suspects in a murder mystery. Following the disappearance of their friend Sonny (Masi Oka), they soon begin to realize that the murder mystery theyre ensconced in closely resembles the plot of a stage play they once performed.
The film first premiered at the 2011 Austin Film Festival and went on to appear at over 30 festivals nationwide. It is the latest film to utilize the Kickstarter-like TUGG, a consumer-driven exhibition system in which viewers can request film screenings in their city. Searching For Sonny is already scheduled to play in such cities as New York, Los Angeles, Nashville and Atlanta.

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